Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Richardson Chapters 1 & 2

Social media usage is changing for students and teachers. Students are using a variety of technologies outside of school with little instruction on how to use them, and most students are much more computer literate than most of their teachers. When students are in school, their exposure to technology is somewhat limited. This means that teachers need to create more opportunities for students to explore and learn using technology. Teachers must become more knowledgeable in using technology to teach, but they must also become more knowledgeable in teaching students how to appropriately and effectively use technology.

There are many useful tech tools for teachers to consider using in their classrooms. Blogs and Wikis are a great way for students to collaborate and interact with teachers and peers. These tools provide spaces for students to share information, form opinions, and express their ideas. Online photo galleries are an effective way to maintain communication with students’ families. Teachers can easily upload and share pictures to keep parents up-to-date with school news and classroom happenings. Social bookmarking sites such as and provide students and teachers with a space to save resource lists. This would be especially beneficial for students completing research projects in which they are using many online resources. Audio/video casting tools give students opportunities to demonstrate their creativity when publishing stories and projects. Their work can become public and shared with many people.

To keep students safe on the internet, teachers must begin by teaching them how to navigate safely and effectively. Responsible use does not only mean avoiding inappropriate sites, but also reacting appropriately when they do discover inappropriate information. Many schools set filters or blocks to help protect students from inappropriate activity at school.

Teachers should have blogs because it is an effective way to communicate with students and parents. Blogs make information easily accessible and more organized than paper. Blogs also provide students with opportunities for current learning and communication methods and increased opportunities for participation. Blogs make student work more relevant because their work is published beyond the classroom. They have a greater audience which is also a motivator for students. Through the use of blogs, students have opportunities to collaborate outside of their classrooms more easily. Blogs give all students the opportunity to participate and share their thinking. Some students who may be too shy to share their ideas in discussion may feel more comfortable writing on a blog. Participating in blog use also helps prepare students to function in an information society.

As I viewed a few of the blogs mentioned in Chapter 2 of Richardson’s book, I was especially inspired by Mr. C’s class blog. Right now it seems like it would be a daunting task, but what an amazing way to maintain communication and collaboration between teachers, students, and parents! Mr. C updates hisblog often to share what the class is working on. He provides pictures, videos, and links. This blog is awesome! I was also impressed with the Meriwether Lewis Elementary School blog. It is easy to navigate, and any important information parents would need is on the home page. Classroom websites are easy to find on the home page, and there is up-to-date information with pictures of students. This is a great model for any school wanting to redesign their website! 


  1. I also checked out Mr. C's class blog and found it very inspiring. I hope to get a blog up and running soon to use with my class and to communicate with parents. I liked your point about safety, that it is important to teach students how to respond to inappropriate material if they should find some by accident.

  2. This blog (Mr. C's) makes me feel sad:( His blog has so much information. I have to remember that this is my first time blogging! It was interesting to see his organization and how he uses blogging with his students. One example is update on the deconstructing of Peter Pan.
